12 years old
Have you ever seen a more beautiful face full of wisdom and (hopefully) happy tales.
Beautiful Stella heartbreakingly finds herself looking for a new family due to no fault of her own – an unfortunate change of circumstances.
Stella sadly has many mammary tumours, some very large. A vets visit is planned for this week where we shall discuss all possible options, we are keeping everything crossed our special girl will be able to recover from whatever treatment is needed. Please please send her some positive thoughts.
We are planning ahead that Stella will need a home/ foster home where she can have lots of company as she can get distressed when left alone, most likely worried her loved ones aren’t going to come back to her. A true sweetheart who hopefully has many happy years ahead of her, she’s a fairly active girl who would enjoy nice little walkies with her human companion/s.
Unfortunately Stella can be a little grumpy around some dogs and doesn’t like them in her face, although she won’t go looking for trouble. We will be looking for a pet free home for this lovely lady so she doesn’t have to share her home and people.
An adult home will be required as we have very little information of Stella’s background.
Do you have room on your sofa?
Do you have time to share with dear Stella to and make lots of lovely memories?