11 months old 

What a beauty, who is fast approaching her 1st birthday 🎉 

Little miss Sky has recently joined us and is on the search for her new family, she has been well loved in her previous family and this shows in her character. 

Obviously, she’s a youngster so can still be a little excitable and will jump up to greet people but this is most definitely workable and with continued training and a good stable routine she will improve. 

Sky hasn’t lived with other dogs before and has had little interaction with any but doesn’t seem to have any issues, although a home without resident dogs is preferable at this time so she can receive one to one attention. 

We do know that she has previously lived with a cat so it’s a possibility that she can again but it would need to be the right match.

Any children in the home must be older teenagers. 

Sky’s new owner/s will ideally have experience of owning/training the gorgeous German shepherd breed.