
3 years old 

Honey’s the name, cuddling’s the game! 

Would you believe that this sweetheart was found as a stray last week- suspected to have been intentionally abandoned. 

Gorgeous Honey lacks any knowledge or understanding of personal space, she’s going to cuddle you whether you like it or not. 

Honey currently weighs in at around 27kg and is a  needy young lady who loves with all her heart. 

Unfortunately Honey isn’t happy around other dogs and will make her feelings very clear if they get in her face. Would generally ignore them if out walking unless she felt threatened. With this in mind a dog free home is essential. 

A home with children over 12 years old can be considered. 

Experience of owning bulldogs previously would be ideal. 

Please don’t consider applying for Honey unless you are prepared to have her sat on your lap or rolling on you at every opportunity, she wants to be involved in everything you do and won’t settle for anything less.