Success Stories

Mavis (I’m now adopted)

By February 7, 2023March 4th, 2023No Comments

Cavalier King Charles spaniel

5 years old 

Mavis has sadly not experienced much in life, she is looking for a very calm home where she can slowly  build her confidence in the big wide world. 

A kind resident dog in the home is absolutely essential, Mavis comes to life when there is another dog around. 

Unfortunately, Mavis is missing her front right leg, according to her microchip it was bitten off by her mother at birth. 

Mavis doesn’t always ‘walk’ well (as expected), we don’t think she has ever had much space or freedom to roam but we are blown away by the progress she has made since being in her lovely foster home, her foster family and wonderful foster brothers (dogs) have worked wonders in just days to bring her out of herself. 

Mavis could benefit from losing a little weight to avoid too much pressure on her other front leg, obviously she wouldn’t manage too much exercise but would enjoy pottering around a safe and secure garden.  

Our lovely girl will need a special, caring and patient home where she can continue to blossom. 

If you feel you can offer Mavis a safe and loving environment we would love to hear from you.